Last week I had the pleasure of organizing an event for Social Media Week DC with three experts in social media and learning. Fahad Hassan, Joan Le, and Darren Milligan represented a diverse perspectives on the topic: Fahad from the edtech provider community, Joan from her view as a high school science teacher using social media extensively with her teenage students, and Darren from the view of museums and other organizations creating resources and experiences for educators to use in their teaching. We were joined by a chatty group made up of roughly half educators and half people looking to reach and serve educators.
You can find a full recap, including presentation slides and video, in the Storify archive.
How are teachers using social media in the classroom? And how can your organization or museum best reach and support educators by providing relevant resources, facilitating social activities, and connecting them with your social content? These and other questions were explored during last week’s Social Media Week DC event, including a lively discussion of the rapidly evolving role of social media in teaching and professional development in the education sector.
Three amazing speakers kicked off the conversation:
Fahad Hassan, CEO of Always Prepped and organizer of the DC EdTech Meetup
Joan Le, science teacher at Washington-Lee High School in ArlingtonDarren Milligan, Senior Media Designer for the Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital AccessThe event was organized by Dana Allen-Greil, educational technologist at the National Gallery of Art. -
Presentation and Discussion with Fahad Hassan
Communication, collaboration, digital/techy, privacy, Facebook – @alwaysprepped‘s first 5 words when thinking SM #smwTeach
Teachers are concerned about cyber-bullying in using social media with students. #smwTeach
@AlwaysPrepped : prof. dev. critical for educators for the use and development of social media in education #smwTeach
Evolution of the Web and #edtech according to @AlwaysPrepped #smwTeach
Web 2.0 (FB, Twitter, etc) is already 7-9 years old….we’re moving on to Web 2.5 with Edmodo, ClassDojo, Always Prepped, etc #smwTeach
#smwTeach question in the room: what about cheating? Does social media make this easier?
@AlwaysPrepped: We need to get better, smarter in order to stay ahead of cheating possibilities w/ social media. #smwTeach
@DarrenMilligan Not ‘cheating’ if they learned. Does source make a difference? I crowd-sourced answers (& referenced Twitter). #smwTeach
What is too early to expose kids to social media/screen time? #smwTeach
#smwTeach question in the room: what about the young ones? does limited tv time translate to limited digital time?
Tech at a young age can expose kids to expectation and challenge earlier – but my enough studies to know full effects #smwTeach
#smwTeach audience is about 50/50 educators and those trying to reach educators. Awesome mix!
Presentation and Discussion with Joan Le
Social Media Presentation
Follow @thescienceroom for examples of social media use in an actual classroom #smwTeach
@beenschooled has a complete BYOD class (“except those who have lost that privilege”) #smwTeach
Not all students want social media in the classroom “it taints it for me” #smwTeach
About 10% of @beenschooled survey RT @Zerahlynne: Not all students want social media in the classroom “it taints it for me” #smwTeach
According to today’s highschoolers, Facebook is for middleschoolers and old people #smwteach
For examples of how “Twiter Hashtag Conversation” #WordPress plugin is used, see #SMWteach
.@beenschooled talking about great ways to use social media to make a better classroom. Read more- #smwteach
Ask students to do research on current people using twitter as a #primarysource via @beenschooled #smwteach
Teenagers use hashtags to prove a point, not to tag conversations. #truestory #smwTeach
Here is a list of the links I talked about–how we integrate social media in class:… #SMWTeach #SMWWDC
. @BeenSchooled‘s students shocked at how public SM is #smwTeach
. @beenschooled teaches high schoolers how to use twitter for research & developing a responsible online presence for a cause #smwteach
Vimeo is usually not blocked in schools, unlike YouTube says @BeenSchooled . #smwTeach
.@beenschooled encourages students to practice live tweeting! A way of engaged note taking and exchanging ideas w/o interruption #smwteach
Quick videos (see: Viddy) & photos help jog memories about lessons & activities. Maybe museums should document programs this way? #smwTeach
For students who don’t want to use SM – they can still interact by searching Twitter hashtags (from a public profile page) #smwTeach
Social media in the classroom offers different ways for parents to be involved in their children’s education! #SMWteach
. @BeenSchooled wants more parents following her. Also, none have expressed concerns over SM use in. #classroom #smwTeach
How to handle SM distractions w/ students? ‘Encourage practice managing their focus between life and a SM notification’ #smwteach
Teachers sharing ideas on Twitter- on an International scale- #inspiring #SMWteach
How do teachers get ideas and resources for lessons? Checking out other teachers on twitter, their blogs, etc. #smwTeach
Presentation and Discussion with Darren Milligan
Social Studies, How educators are using social media, The museum perspective…
Museum ed focused social media accounts seem to reach only about 1% of numbers reached by main account. #smwTeach
Teachers no. 1 concern with mainstream SM is privacy. Many prefer to use education specific sites like EdModo, ePals, etc. #smwTeach
@danamuses @alwaysprepped @BeenSchooled How do you account for students who need hands-on learning, as opposed to screen-based? #SMWteach
Smithsonian Virtual Conferences = great example of integrating experts, teachers, & students into learning scenarios #smwTeach
Wrap-Up Discussion with Dana, Fahad, Joan, and Darren
Twitter can be used in large lectures to create engagement and understanding #smwTeach
. @alwaysprepped: hesitancy about student/teacher relationships on SM is failure to accept rather that not understanding #SMWTeach
. @DarrenMilligan those setting parameters on SM use in schools don’t always understand #SMWTeach
Farad H. from @alwaysprepped says Some teachers feel technology is being used to replace them #SMWWDC #smwTeach
Technology is not meant to eliminate teachers, it’s meant to help them and enhance their strategies via @alwaysprepped #smwTeach
Important issue with BYOD: How to address the digital divide. Let’s get creative in providing devices, e.g. Recycle old iPods #smwTeach
Finland and South Korea transitioning out of paper based educational environments #smwTeach
Digital divide no longer is about having technology but instead knowing how to use it via @DarrenMilligan #SMWTeach
@beenschooled says field trips & technology can be tricky. She doesn’t broadcast location for safety reasons #SMWWDC #smwTeach
@TodaysDocument your tweets give access to sourcing that I immediately re-archive to use for document driven PBL #smwteach #sschat
Related Resources
Infographic: How Teachers Are Using Social Media Right Now #smwTeach
Teachers gravitate to social networks tailored for educators: #smwTeach
Interesting LinkedIn discussion on using Tumblr in the classroom: #smwTeach
Check out @darrenmilligan‘s work on Smithsonian Digital Learning Resources Project wiki: #smwTeach