Less than 200 words:
Dana Allen-Greil is Chief Marketing Officer at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Her past positions include: Director of Digital Strategy at the Monterey Bay Aquarium; Chief of Web and Social Media at the National Archives; Senior Digital Outreach Producer at the National Gallery of Art ; Chief of Digital Outreach and Engagement at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History; social media strategist and account director at Ogilvy Public Relations; and online communications coordinator at the Kaiser Family Foundation. Dana holds a bachelor’s degree in English from St. Mary’s College of Maryland and a master’s degree in Museum Studies from The George Washington University. Dana taught graduate museum studies courses for 14 years at Georgetown University, George Washington University, Johns Hopkins University, and Tufts Unversity. Her nonprofit board service includes: See Monterey Board of Directors, Museum Board Member for the City of Pacific Grove, Secretary of the Board of Directors and Marketing Committee Chair for the Museum Computer Network (MCN), Editorial Advisory Board member for the Exhibitionist journal (affiliated with the National Association of Museum Exhibition), and Secretary and Treasurer for the Board of Directors of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM). Dana participated in the Getty Leadership Institute’s NextGen program and has served as grant reviewer for IMLS and NEH.
~100 words:
Dana Allen-Greil is Chief Marketing Officer at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Dana has led digital and marketing efforts at the National Archives, National Gallery of Art, Ogilvy Public Relations, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, and the Kaiser Family Foundation. Dana holds a B.A. in English from St. Mary’s College of Maryland and an M.A. in Museum Studies from George Washington University. She taught graduate museum studies courses for Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, George Washington University, and Tufts University and served on the boards of See Monterey, Museum Computer Network (MCN), and Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM).