Each year for #AskACurator day I like to pose an open question to museum curators about their thoughts on the role of digital technologies in their work.
In 2014, I asked “How can digital staff at museums work better with curators? What one thing do you wish we understood better?” That tweet received a handful of responses, including this rather pointed reply).
In 2015, I posed the equestion: “What has been the biggest impact on your role as curator with rising emphasis on technology, outreach, & museum education?” and received one (very brief) response. (I had better luck that year with a hypothetical about curating your dream exhibit with no budgetary limitations.)
Last year, I skipped the annual tradition (likely because I was at home on maternity leave, caring for a small but very opinionated baby as well as a toddler and had presumably heard quite enough of other people’s perspectives at that point).
For my 2017 #AskACurator submission, I whipped up this quick query and sent it into the Twittersphere for comment:
What is the biggest challenge for curators in the digital age? (And what is the greatest opportunity?) #AskaCurator
— dana allen-greil (@danamuses) September 13, 2017
I was thrilled to see that I quickly received several substantive answers, mostly from curators at European museums (who were farther ahead in the day and presumably benefitting from Twitter-fingers already running on adrenaline/caffeine).
Challenge: the sheer scale of digitising Natural Science collections. Opportunity: new discoveries from accessible #BigData
— Natural Sciences NMS (@NatSciNMS) September 13, 2017
‘Collecting’ the digital! How to represent digital innovation w/code,data,hardware+software at a time of rapid innovation #AskACurator
— Daniel Martin (@CuratorDaniel) September 13, 2017
For us, the biggest challenge is to create quality content to be shared with a broad audience. It is really important…
— MagazzinoItalianArt (@magazzino) September 13, 2017
I feel that algorithms make cultural themes harder to get the attention they deserve. It’s important to balance b/n visitor engagement &info
— AnabelRoqueRodriguez (@anabelroro) September 13, 2017
Using digital means to show that ‘real’ reality is still far more interesting than virtual reality.
— Collecties UvA (@CollectiesUvA) September 13, 2017
#AskACurator Stay relevant, be a vehicle and understand that tools are not only objects we used but part of who we are
— Elvira Dyangani Ose (@edyanganiose) September 13, 2017
The Canadians jumped in to share their thoughts…
Challenge: making everything available. Opportunity: making everything available #Collections @ROMtoronto
— Deepali Dewan (@DeepaliDewan) September 13, 2017
The greatest opportunity afforded by the digital age: the accessibility of info & images, a big challenge is credible sourcing #AskACurator
— CDN Mus Immigration (@Pier21) September 13, 2017
It’s brilliant to be able to work internationally via video conferencing, sending photos… However, we are not done with materiality.” 2/2
— Nat’l Gallery Canada (@NatGalleryCan) September 13, 2017
Of course, the Americans took it to a whole new level…
Seriously, art as we know it is over. Our brains & societies are revolutionized and we have to invent everything new #AskACurator @akmunroe https://t.co/syDpJs7e4S
— Guggenheim Museum (@Guggenheim) September 13, 2017
1/2 @curiousoctopus: The greatest challenge is to know when to stop. Too much digital can be a bad thing…
— Museum of Modern Art (@MuseumModernArt) September 13, 2017
2/2 @curiousoctopus The opportunity is to have a whole new space of communication, w/ tools that enable new forms of communication.
— Museum of Modern Art (@MuseumModernArt) September 13, 2017
Wide access 2 the buffet of world wonders & wisdom that can b harnessed 2 enhance visitor exprnce by wise (or even wisecracking) curators!
— AmVisionaryArtMuseum (@TheAVAM) September 13, 2017
How we do make people (everyone) care about the questions and problems mostly outside of the scale of daily life (evolution, extinction)?
— Nicholas Pyenson (@PyensonLab) September 13, 2017
The Philadelphia Museum of Art responded with two diverse answers, including a personal video response from a curator of contemporary art:
Visitors focus on taking picture rather than looking at the art in the gallery. Nothing compares to the real art experience! #AskACuratorr
— Phila Museum of Art (@philamuseum) September 13, 2017
#AskACurator @danamuses pic.twitter.com/QYxJRWsJvw
— Phila Museum of Art (@philamuseum) September 13, 2017
Now, I’ll let you in on a little secret: This is actually a question I pose (with slight variations) at the beginning of every semester I teach. The graduate students at Johns Hopkins and Georgetown’s Museum Studies programs usually tackle the issues with similarly themed approaches: Digital technologies can help you reach more people, provide deeper opportunities for exploring and learning about collections, but it is hard work, costs a lot of money and skill-building for staff, and it might eventually lead to people losing interest in ever visiting the real thing. (Spoiler alert on that last point: No, it won’t.) You can see all of these key points and more from the sampling of nearly 100 responses I received today, including:
challenge: remaining relevant when the word “curator” pertains to everything from an iTunes playlist to a granola bar brand #AskACurator
— Robin Lawrence (@RobinCLawrence) September 13, 2017
Challenge: copyright/permissions & protecting from misuse. Greatest opp: crowdsourcing! We often get new info/IDs on photos #AskACurator
— Kyra Schuster #USHMM (@kyraator) September 13, 2017
Digital Challenge=defend validity of seeing art IRL. Opportunity=power/speed of research/making connections is intoxicating. #AskACurator
— Laura Vookles (@lvprosewriter) September 13, 2017
Challenge: decline in in-person research. Opportunity: collections available to a much wider audience.
— Brandice Nelson (@MiniMuseologist) September 13, 2017
The biggest challenge – standing out from internet noise. Biggest opportunity – biggest audience imaginable #AskACurator
— Zachary Wnek (@ZacharyWnek) September 13, 2017
Its ephemeral nature- file formats & storage media become obsolete so quickly; constant reformatting is expensive in every way #AskACurator
— ArcticMuseum (@arcticmuseum) September 13, 2017
While some of the specific responses give me pause, I’m heartened to see so many curators thoughtfully engaging in public dialog on this topic. Their replies reflect the nuanced and complicated ways digital technologies are impacting museum work as well as shaping the experiences and expectations of the audiences we serve. I want to thank all the curators who took the time to respond (and, let’s be honest, in many cases the thanks also go to the social media managers who helped facilitate their efforts!). I very much appreciate that you showed up, shared your perspectives, and did it with refreshing candor. Please continue to dialogue out in the open about the changing roles and relevance of museums in today’s world! We all have a lot to learn from each other.
Stay tuned because #AskAnArchivist day is coming up next month! I can’t wait to see how the archivists of the world will answer my question…
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