A Storify roundup of highlights from this year’s American Alliance of Museums Meeting in Baltimore.
AAM 2013 Roundup
Tweets, slides, and resources from the American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting in Baltimore.
Museum Teen Summit: Teens Share Expert Advice
A teen-led session about a NYC group of teens that serve as consultants to museums in developing and promoting programs for teens. The group meets weekly.
Good programs (according to @museumteens) include FOOD + opportunities to meet, talk to, and LEARN FROM other teens. #aam2013 #teens4aam
The group has found Facebook to be their best platform for promoting events to tother teens. The teen who spoke with my small group said that teens prefer the term “youth” to “teen.” When asked what he would like to do when visiting an out-of-town museum, he said that he loves to take photos and share them via social media.
Stories to Go: Mobile Platforms for Storytelling and Community Voice
The Walker’s mobile-optimized website for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden features a community-based audio tour.
This summer marks a major milestone for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden: 25 years as one of the country’s premiere public sculpture park…
The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden is one of the crown jewels of the city’s park system, uniting two of Minnesota’s most cherished resource…
Museum Educators and Social Media
How can museum education departments use social media to communicate with teachers?Facebook pages for teachers:
International Spy Museum Educators page
International Spy Museum Educators page, Washington, DC. 295 likes · 12 talking about this · 2 were here. -
Colonial Williamsburg for Teachers
Colonial Williamsburg for Teachers, Williamsburg, VA. 2,452 likes · 75 talking about this · 52 were here. -
Getty Teacher Programs, Los Angeles, CA. 1,937 likes · 21 talking about this · 35 were here.
Asian Art Museum for Teachers, San Francisco, CA. 792 likes · 4 talking about this · 26 were here.
Twitter chat hashtags for educators
300+ Educational Twitter Hashtags Being Used Right Now
Are you looking to figure out exactly which Twitter hashtag is the right one to follow? There’s no shortage of options and it can feel ov… -
Who has other good hashtag recommendations for reaching teachers? #museumed #edtech #artstech #edtechchat #musesocial #AAM2013
Great tip! RT @ragmuseumed: @danamuses #ntchat reaches new teachers– great way to form relationships with teachers early in career #AAM2013
Re: question in the room: I’ve seen @MoMAlearning hosting Twitter chats for teacher prof. dev. #AAM2013
More notes on educators and social media
Overview A survey of teachers who instruct American middle and secondary school students finds that digital technologies have become cent…
Yes–teachers check social media when they get home from school. Afternoon/eve/weekends are best time to reach. Don’t forget PST! #AAM2013
Twitter/FB are great starts but I want to hear more about Pinterest and Learnist for teacher outreach. Anyone doing this? #AAM2013
Please go beyond followers and fans when evaluating social. Try shares, retweets, comments, being added to Twitter lists. #AAM2013
Disagree about always sending people from social to your website. Try to make it easy and share as much as you can directly on FB. #AAM2013
Considering separate FB/Twitter account for teachers? I say if you can staff it, do it. Make sure you cross-promote from main acct. #AAM2013
Tried surveying? Or DM ?s. MT @Zerahlynne: Twitter great for teacher PD but measuring impact difficult – not much interaction #AAM2013
Opening Up Museum Studies with Social Media (COMPT Luncheon)
How can museum studies professors–and educators of all stripes–incorporate social media into their teaching to improve learning and open access to our expertise? This brief presentation (by me) covered the social dimension of learning, how social media has changed museums and its audiences, and examples of social media tools being incorporated into the curriculum.
(COMPT = Committee on Museum Professional Training)
Meta tweet: How do YOU use social media for learning and professional dev? #aam2013 #compt #musesocial
Opening Up Museum Studies with Social Media
Lessons Learned from Five Decades of Experience in Visitor Studies
– Stephen Bitgood, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Jacksonville State University– Beverly Serrell, Director, Serrell & Associates– Alan Friedman, Consultant, The Museum Group– Minda Borun, Director of Research & Evaluation, The Franklin Institute
How do you encourage institutional acceptance of research & evaluation? Filed under “Political considerations.” #aam2013 VisitorStudies sesh
How to make sure your evaluations actually get used? 3 essentials from Alan Friedman #aam2013 pic.twitter.com/iJ7qpw1QNW
Decreasing the cost may be more important than increasing the interest.(re: visitors reading labels) – Stephen Bitgood #aam2013
Big problem in my experience: Museum staff are NOT visitors. Ask your visitors for their opinions, not just your colleagues. #aam2013
For further reading
Social Design in Museums: The Psychology of Visitor Studies
Social Design in Museums brings together a selection of Stephen Bitgood’s key essays, complete with contemporary updates, resulting in a … -
Left Coast Press : Judging Exhibitions
“This new book from respected museum consultant Beverly Serrell takes an innovative approach to assessing exhibitions. The framework allo… -
Paying Attention: The Duration and Allocation of Visitors’ Time in Museum Exhibitions
Article first published online: 24 MAY 2010 DOI: 10.1111/j.2151-6952.1997.tb01292.x Issue Additional Information How to Cite Serrell, B. … -
Horizontal Thinking in a Vertical World
What role can a horizontal mentor play in your professional development? Have you ever even heard of a horizontal mentor?
Horizontal Mentors are those professional peers to whom one can turn for deeper and more frank discussions, whose advice and judgment about professional and career questions one seeks and values, and whom one can call on for support. The recent rise of “horizontal” mentoring provides the opportunity to build multiple relationships within a professional network and gain insights and advice from colleagues and peers in various capacities.
Members of the Getty Leadership Institute’s NextGen Class of 2011 led a roundtable discussion during the American Alliance of Museums 2013 Annual Meeting on this topic.
Horizontal Thinking in a Vertical World
More #aam2013 Tweets
Empathy is critical. MT @marketearlyamer: older colleagues not nec. being difficult re: tech-way they’ve always done things changed #aam2013
Let’s model this. RT @chrisubik: @fernproulx -social helps break down barriers within the museum. “Everyone on the same platform.” #aam2013
@museums365 But does your org have a strategy for education? Exhibitions? Digital strategy is at least a strategy. Can be model. #aam2013
Isn’t this why successes are rare? RT @grizzwhit: Social media is an equal opportunity fundraiser: communication is not segmented #aam2013
Ooh! Familiar to all #musetech people. RT @margienchargie: ‘Change requires patience with urgency.’ Wise words from #magnetmuseums #AAM2013
+1! MT @ThatFedoraGuy: If Edu is core to museums, why is Visitor Engagement Plan or Institutional Interp Plan not core document? #aam2013
Very good reminder. #musesocial RT @bttyanne: “Participation in museums has to start with the staff.” Wise words from Karen Chin #aam2013
Seems obvious but it’s an important distinction! RT @lmhuntimer: @ericlongo it’s us that are mobile not the device. #AAM2013 #mtogo
Fantastic list! RT @siedlab: MT @erinblasco: Our resource sheet to become expert digital storyteller: bit.ly/13EUq4N #aam2013
“Finding Museums, Finding Community” (there are no handouts for this session) 2012 Horizon Report>Museum Edition (there are no handouts f…
Other recaps by smart people
Real is a Thing That Happens to You: Tracking a Theme Through the AAM Annual Meeting
“Real isn’t how you are made. It’s a thing that happens to you.” This year’s American Alliance of Museums (AAM) Annual Meeting wrapped up… -
The Power of Story (via Data, Collections & Social Media)
As our nation commemorates the bicentennial of the War of 1812, the sesquicentennial of the Civil War, and the 50 th anniversary of the C… -
AAM Annual Meeting: Report to the Field
Last week’s annual meeting of the American Alliance of Museums was held just 30 miles from my house but I wasn’t able to attend due to ot… -
For those of you working within museums and zoos, the delay since my last posting is likely no surprise. With a heavy conference schedule…
Bonny Baltimore, Day 1 from the AAM conference
Bonny Baltimore, Day 1 from the AAM conference May 19, 2013 at 10:03 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Tags: aam, conference… -
I’m still buzzing a bit from the interplay of people and ideas (and crabcakes!) that I found in Baltimore during the 2013 American Allian…
Ideas for Breaking the Social Media Barrier in Museums